Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Tomatoes May Improve Your Gut Health, New Study Suggests

Tomatoes are typically thought of as something that you eat raw, but the health benefits don’t stop there. A new study published in the journal Nutrients suggests that tomatoes may actually improve the health of your gut microbiome, and therefore promote healthy digestion and immune function. This makes them an excellent addition to any well-balanced diet since they can be included in both your fruit and vegetable consumption.


Are you looking for a healthy food to add to your diet? Tomatoes may be the answer. Not only do they taste great when eaten raw or cooked, but they may also provide a number of health benefits. In fact, tomatoes are one of the richest sources of Lycopene - an antioxidant that has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease and improve skin health.

What the Study Found

A new study found that tomatoes may help improve gut health by reducing inflammation. Researchers came to this conclusion after conducting a study in which participants followed a diet high in tomatoes and tomato products over the course of 12 weeks. The results showed that participants who ate an increased amount of tomatoes had reduced markers of inflammation and lower levels of a compound called neutrophil myeloperoxidase or MPO.

How Tomatoes Can Help

The next time you go grocery shopping, be sure to grab some fresh tomatoes. Tomatoes are packed with a plethora of health benefits and can even help you maintain your weight. Read on for 10 ways this commonly eaten fruit can improve your health and make you feel your best. 

First off, tomatoes are an excellent source of lycopene which is known for its anti-aging properties and ability to reduce the risk of cancer.

Other Ways to Improve Gut Health

In addition to tomatoes, there are other ways you can improve your gut health. One way is to eat yogurt with active cultures such as lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium longum. You can also drink kefir milk or other fermented milk products that contain probiotics for a daily dose of beneficial bacteria. 

Some people also find relief from their symptoms by taking probiotic supplements in the form of capsules or powders that they mix with water or juice.

Tomato for Skincare

Considered one of the most versatile vegetables on the planet and a staple of Italian cuisine, tomatoes are now being shown to have even more benefits than we thought. In fact, some people use tomato for skin care because it is high in antioxidants, which can help with aging skin. However, many people disagree with this saying that cooked tomatoes may be bad for your health due to their higher levels of sugar content. 

The pros and cons of tomatoes can depend on how you eat them as well.

Cooked Tomatoes Health Benefits

Research has shown that cooked tomatoes can provide health benefits including a decreased risk of heart disease and cancer. They are also high in lycopene which is a carotenoid antioxidant that has been associated with lower rates of cancers such as prostate cancer. In addition to those benefits, cooked tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C and fiber.

10 benefits of tomato leaves

1. Tomato leaves can help regulate blood pressure. 

2. Tomato leaves can reduce inflammation and pain caused by arthritis. 

3. Tomato leaves are a natural way to reduce the intensity of migraine headaches. 2) Tomatoes may improve gut health, new study suggests 

4) Vitamin C in tomatoes is an antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals in the body. 

5) Eating tomatoes is associated with a decreased risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke , thanks to their high lycopene content. 

6) Tomato peels are also rich in lycopene and have been shown to have chemopreventive effects against breast cancer and prostate cancer. 

7) Tomato peels also have anti-inflammatory properties which makes them helpful for skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. 

8) Cooking tomatoes increases their lycopene content, so it's not necessary to just eat them raw or consume tomato products like ketchup or paste without cooking them first! 

9) The only drawback?


If you're looking for a way to improve your gut health and feeling apprehensive about the risks of antibiotic treatment or a fecal transplant, eating tomatoes may be a great solution. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene - an antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation and oxidative stress on cells and tissues. Tomato leaves also have medicinal properties that can help with various ailments from headaches to acne. The pros and cons of tomatoes are worth considering before making any decisions.

Read more About it on Wikipedia

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